We had a memorable Memorial Day, starting with the West Hartford town parade - a real small-town experience with Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scout troops, sports teams, etc. Then we went to Karyn and Melissa's for a BBQ and discovered that Adam likes to play badminton. After, we drove to NYC to play with Hannah and Micah. They are so cute! Yes, they ate a topless dinner, but then we played with balls and read stories. So much fun. Yaffa and Ravid came over (after bedtime) and we enjoyed dinner with Lauren, Scott, and Yael. It's so nice to eat kosher food from a restaurant - we are so lame in Hartford. Anyway, then we toured Yaffa's apartment - very nice. And we were her first house guests. That was a packed day! Now someone just has to teach me how to load the pictures on blogger so they are in the right order. So annoying.