OK, I wrote this whole post and it disappeared. Not fun. So I'm starting again and I don't care that I can't get the pictures in the right order. What do we have here? Some pictures from Adam's Carnegie Hall concert - how wonderful that he was on the poster in the streets of NYC! He's still on a high from that wonderful experience. We have some pictures here from our birthdays. Adam came home from kosher Chinese to a candle in pareve ice cream, and after he and I went out for dinner for my b-day, we met Ray, Craig, and Rachel for ice cream (of course). We have some pictures of the adorable Hannah and Micah, who love to say "cheese!" and they were so much fun to play with this week. And finally, tonight I met THE NANNY! OK, I didn't really meet her, but I joined the local female rabbis and cantors in singing the anthems and then I did HaMotzi. She was a great speaker - this was a Federation event and there were 600 women there. It was very powerful for me to stand on the stage and sing with all of these women. Fran Drescher spoke about growing up Jewish and about having cancer. She's a role model for women everywhere. Check her out! In any case, I'm relieved I've finally figured out how to make this post, and I'm sorry the pictures are all over the place. We'll get there one day. Oh, and happy birthday, Israel! Today is the secular independence day - May 14 - how wonderful.

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