B'chol zot heeganu lamrot hakol! - We arrived, in spite of it all! The journey to Israel was OK. Following a great win of our beloved Boston Red Sox (curse reversed!) against the Twins, we drove from Boston to JFK for our flight. Some guys asked Adam to join them for Mincha – thank goodness for my blackberry b/c that’s what he used to daven! It looked like there weren’t going to be a lot of people on the flight, but now we realize they just must have been hiding somewhere. Anyway, our seats were right in front of the bathroom, which meant they didn’t go back all the way. That was annoying. Then a religious woman came and was supposed to sit in our row. The only way that could happen is if Adam and I sat in the middle 2 seats (we were in the row of 4 in the middle) so that there was a nice guy next to him (who was making aliyah) and this woman next to me. She was nice and it was fine, but I was annoyed of course. I really wanted to tell her that the great act of kindness she had been paid (by me) was by a Conservative female rabbi. But I held back. She probably figured it out. My favorite moment of the trip was when she went to the bathroom and took off her hair. J We landed, found our luggage, and found a sherut to Jerusalem (which we had to be the last stop, to our great luck! OY. But it was a great free tour of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods!). Our hotel (Dan Pan) is fine. Our view is of Mapu Street – where I stayed with my family a few years ago! Our first night we went to Ben Yehuda Street, where Adam had a schwarma and I had a felafel. A great welcome to Israel!
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